Stratego Gameplay Example


Stratego is a two-player strategy board game where players aim to capture their opponent's Flag or eliminate all of their movable pieces. Each player strategically places their army, consisting of pieces of varying ranks, on a 10x10 grid, with special rules for movement and battle. Bombs act as immovable traps, while Scouts can move multiple spaces in a straight line. The game involves hidden information, where a player's pieces are unknown to their opponent until revealed in battle.

Action Space

Actions are strings representing the player's move using board coordinates.

Example Actions:

  • Move a piece from row 4 col 0 to an empty cell at row 5 col 0: [D0 E0]
  • Move a piece from row 5 col 8 into a battle with opponent piece in row 5 col 9: [E8 E9]

Observation Space

Players receive continuous updates about the game state, including their piece positions and known information about opponent pieces.

Initial Game Instructions

[GAME] You are Player 0. You are playing the Stratego game.
Your goal is to capture your opponent's Flag or eliminate all of their movable pieces.
At the start of the game, you have placed your army on the board, including your Flag, Bombs, and other pieces of varying ranks.

### Gameplay Instructions
1. **Movement Rules:**
   - On your turn, you can move one piece by one step to an adjacent square (up, down, left, or right).
   - Example: A piece can move from A1 to B1 or A1 to A2.
   - If the selected piece is a Bomb or a Flag, it cannot be moved.
   - **Scout Movement:** Scouts can move multiple steps in a straight line (horizontally or vertically).
       - Scouts cannot jump over any piece (your own or your opponent's).
       - Example: If there is a piece between the Scout and its destination, the Scout cannot move to the destination.

Board State Example

     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
A   SG  SG  SC  LT  GN  LT  SC  LT  BM  MS 
B   MJ  LT  SC  MN  CP  MN  SG  BM  FL  BM 
C   MN  CP  CP  MN  SG  MN  SC  SP  BM  BM 
D    .  CL  SC  SC  SC  SC  MJ  CP  BM  CL 
E   MJ   .   ~   ~   .   .   ~   ~   .   . 
F    .   .   ~   ~   .   .   ~   ~   .   . 
G    ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ? 
H    ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ? 
I    ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ? 
J    ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ?   ? 


Piece Types and Rules

  • Flag: Cannot move, must be protected. Losing it results in defeat
  • Bomb: Immobile trap that defeats attackers except Miners
  • Scout: Can move multiple squares in a straight line
  • Spy: Can defeat Marshal if attacking first
  • Regular Pieces: Move one square at a time, higher rank wins in battle

Battle Rules

  • Higher-ranked piece wins and eliminates lower-ranked piece
  • Equal ranks eliminate each other
  • Miners can defuse Bombs
  • Spy defeats Marshal only when attacking

Board Notation

  • Letters (A-J): Row coordinates
  • Numbers (0-9): Column coordinates
  • Symbols:
    • ? - Unknown opponent piece
    • . - Empty space
    • ~ - Lake (impassable terrain)




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